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Author Message


Registered: 03.07.2003

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 08:30    

hi Mates I really hope some math wiz reads this. I am stuck on this test that I have to turn in in the coming week and I can’t seem to find a way to solve it. You see, my tutor has given us this homework on solve system of nonlinear equations maple, adding exponents and simplifying expressions and I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. I am thinking of going to some private tutor to help me solve it. If someone can give me some suggestions, I will very appreciative.
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Registered: 11.03.2004
From: Netherlands

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 08:24    

Don’t be so disheartened . I know exactly what you are going through right now. When I used to be a student , we didn’t have much of a hope in in similar situations, but today thanks to Algebrator my son is doing wonderfully well in his math classes. He used to face problems in topics such as solve system of nonlinear equations maple and angle suplements but all his questions were answered by this one simple to use tool known as Algebrator. Try it and I’m sure you’ll have a good day tomorrow .
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Registered: 14.07.2002
From: floating in the light, never forgotten

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 11:34    

I didn’t use that Algebrator program yet but I heard from my friends that it really does assist in answering math problems. Since then, I noticed that my classmates don’t really have troubles solving some of the problems in class. It might really have been efficient in improving their solving skills in math . I can’t wait to use it someday because I think it can be very effective and help me have a good grade in math .
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Registered: 22.04.2003
From: United Kingdom

Posted: Wednesday 08th of Aug 11:53    

Amazing! This sounds extremely useful to me. I was searching such program only. Please let me know where I can buy this application from?
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Registered: 23.04.2003
From: Girona, Catalunya (Spain)

Posted: Friday 10th of Aug 08:00    

I remember having problems with syntehtic division, y-intercept and logarithms. Algebrator is a really great piece of math software. I have used it through several math classes - Pre Algebra, College Algebra and Algebra 2. I would simply type in the problem and by clicking on Solve, step by step solution would appear. The program is highly recommended.
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Registered: 23.04.2003
From: Girona, Catalunya (Spain)

Posted: Friday 10th of Aug 17:25    

This one is actually quite unique . I am recommending it only after using it myself. You can find the details about the software at
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